Thursday, August 23, 2012

Should you be writing?

I've been having trouble finding the time to write this past week.  Really it's because I find the part of the story I'm on tedious....then I think the reader will find it tedious...then I'm loathe to write it...then more time passes....  Anyway I found this tidbit on facebook and thought I'd share with the group:
Seems like sound advice.  Happy writing. :)
16,047 words and counting

1 comment:

  1. It's the hardest for me to write when I feel the story is boring so I change that! I've added near capture scenes and fight scenes to keep the pace moving. Oh and kissing scenes are always good to add. lol!
    word count: 61,841 I'm getting so close!!! I'm on the home stretch. Remember I was in your position 2 or 3 years ago. You're doing great.

    Kathryn @ Clean Teen Fiction
