Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Book Re-Vamp

So I've been really slacking on the writing for the last couple of months.  July and August I was doing well, September took a little detour when I totalled our van, but I got back on track by the end of the month.  October was pretty much hit and miss and then an unexpected death in the family totally threw November for a loop and when I tried to get back into it this week, I just really wasn't feeling it...or rather, I STILL wasn't feeling it.
  The truth is, as I've said in previous posts, I am completely bored with my story.  I was thinking maybe it was because it was a Young Adult novel and I really don't read those that often so maybe I just wasn't getting behind the whole teen perspective thing.  But really I've decided it is the complete lack of monsters and magic.  So I've been thinking it over and I've decided to go back and reboot this idea as an Urban Fantasy.  Instead of illegal arts dealers, we'll have djinn and ifrits, naga's and "artifiacts" in the Warehouse 13 sense of the word.  Same basic plot, just mixing it up with a bit of magic.  I'm liking this idea a whole lot better so hopefully once I get the changes made that I'm thinking of the story will forge on full steam ahead.  :)
32,152 words and counting

1 comment:

  1. Oh yay! I'm so excited about this twist. Adding magic seems so you. :)
