Thursday, August 16, 2012

Average Book Length

So I was discussing with my brother-in-law the average length of a book.  I had also discussed this with a friend of mine recently and she told me she thought it to be about 80k words.  I could have sworn that I had read a few authors blogs where their books were totaling way over the 100k mark so thought that this estimate seemed to be a little too modest.  Because of this I have been aiming at 125k words (as stated in my previous post on goals).  However, as I said, I was discussing this with my sister's husband on facebook last night and he also said that he had heard from a fairly reputable source that 80,000 words was a good average length.  So, after hearing this twice from two different sources, I decided it would probably be a good idea to do some research for myself.

What I found is that for a first time novel, publishers are much more likely to take a chance on a 60k-90k book than on a 150k epic (closer to Harry Potter size then average novel).  This confused me because I had also heard that a page of written text in Microsoft roughly translated to a written book page.  So I was picturing needing to write 250 or so pages in Word in order to have enough for a book (which given I'm averaging approx 675 words/page would make it about l69k words).  This is not true.  I found one website that listed the average number of words on a regularly sized paperback is around 250.  This varies according to margin sizes, type, spacing, etc...   So I went and picked up two random books from my bookshelf.  One was a paperback, one a hardback, opened to a random page and counted the words.  The paperback had 243 and the hardback 267.  So I would say that the 250 words/page estimate seems to hold true.

So this means that right now my manuscript is on page 24 on Microsoft Word.  However I have 14,136 words, which would be 56.5 pages in an average paperback.  So where I was worried that my first chapter of seven pages was far too short, it would actually be 17 paperback pages.  I don't know about you but this makes me feel much better.  Instead of worrying that I won't have enough story to be able to fill as many pages as I need I now worry about making it more concise and to the point.  Also, I don't need to write a page and a half every day to finish by Christmas.  But, if I continued doing that I would finish by the end of November.  That's right, it cuts three weeks off of my writing estimate.  So I think this is reason to celebrate.  Who's with me? :)

24 pages
14,136 words and counting.


  1. My word doc averages 350 words/page. That's good news! 260 words/page for a 300 page hardback would make 78K words total. Not bad. I was thinking my end goal would be between 60K-100K words. My end goal will be 75K words. I think I'll make that actually! Yea! I'm at 59,327 words, and I have 4 1/2 more chapters so probably 45 more pages. I'm almost there!!!

    You're doing great! I'm glad your goal is closer for you now. Thanks for doing the research on this!! So helpful.

  2. Your's averages 350/page? What size font/spacing are you using? I think mine is cambria, 11 pt and single spaced...

    1. I use Calibri, 11 pt, double spaced, 1 in. margins. That makes since now. Your font is bigger and single spaced. Mine is slightly smaller and double spaced. The author who mentioned the word doc page to hardback page is similar in word count was using 11 pt font, double spaced, 1 in. margins. She might have used a different font though, not sure.

    2. Okay I lied, mine is calibri too, I couldn't remember the name. I guess spacing does make a big difference...maybe I should change it to double so I have 38 pages instead of 24... ;)

    3. You total should go double spaced! It makes you feel like you're accomplishing more. Plus you'll have to change it to double spaced when you submit it to publishers or agents anyway.

    4. Hmm...good point. Okay now I'm at 15,044 words and FORTY pages. ;) You're right that is nicer.
