I'm almost finished with my first revising read-through, on word doc page 163 of 204. This time through I'm looking at the content checking to see if things make sense and are consistent. For example, I found mistakes like changing the name of a side-character or the eye color or knowing the name of a stranger before meeting them. Those things had to be fixed. The Everything Guide to Writing Children's Books by Lesley Bolton had some good advice on the revision process. (Click cover below to view on Amazon, if you purchase anything after clicking one of my links I'll receive a percentage of the sale while your cost remains the same.)
I'll need another read-through to check the content again. Then I'll have 3 or 4 read-throughs after that to check for other specific things. The last read-through will be checking the grammar. I'm having fun reading my manuscript again. I'm excited to finish revising and get an agent to help me get a publisher. I can't wait to get my book into the hands of all you readers out there!
Another writing book I enjoyed was Writing Magic by Gail Carson Levine.
Have you read any good books about writing?